Actify was launched in 2018 to help sport, physical activity and fitness organisations maximise their use of digital technology and provide the best support and guidance possible to their audiences.
Since then we’ve built a brilliant team that brings together experience in sport, education, dance, play, digital technology and content production. We’ve experienced first hand the challenges the sector faces, which is why we’re well placed to develop great solutions.
We work closely with the Scottish Government and over 150 organisations from around the country working in sport, leisure, health, education, active travel, play and research. We have helped the thousands of staff, volunteers and participants to:
We take our evaluation pretty seriously and gather a range of data and evidence from everything we do. This approach has enabled us to continually evolve and develop or work to meet the needs and interests of our users.
We have a thriving and empowered sport and physical activity workforce that is building a more active Scotland.
To provide an innovative digital platform and training services, that enables the sport and physical activity workforce to learn, share and connect.
People and organisations delivering physical activities have loads of brilliant experience and resources but there was no digital platform specifically designed to support this work.
Actify is a free tool to help the sector share learning and resources and to connect with their staff, volunteers and participants. Actify’s support packages help people to build the knowledge, skills and confidence that will enable them to continue to make the best use of digital.
Anyone can sign up for an Actify account to access and connect with a huge variety of content to help them stay active or increase their activity levels. Organisations can create a hub which is branded, has links to their website and social media pages and can be organised through featuring modules or creating folders.
Actify offers people options to interact with content (bookmark, follow, like, comment), for hub owners to have control over their content (edit, visibility settings, turning on/off comments) and the option to start conversations.
Actify is trusted by 24,000+ users and 180+ Sport and Physical Activity organisations nationwide, who have all used the platform differently to meet their specific needs.
“The Cycling UK in Scotland team have started to use Actify to showcase some of our work across Scotland. Supported by the Scottish Government it enables us to quickly and easily put together engaging case studies and stories from our projects.”
Susanne Forup
Head of Development Scotland for Cycling UK
“It was only recently I discovered I could actually use the platform to help me manage mv workload by creating my own modules.”
Actify Hub Owner, 2023